Burke Museum
The Burke Museum is deeply rooted in Northwest Coast Art, located in Seattle, WA. After my Tlingit Carving class at the Port Townsend School of Woodworking in November, I reached out to the Burke about the possibility of studying their Tlingit collection. They value using their collection as a learning tool for aspiring artists/carvers. I was fortunate to go thru their entire collection, it was emotional and powerful. I believe the best way to learn is from my ancestor’s work, looking back to move forward. I can’t thank the Burke enough for their generosity. So, when they asked me to come back to do a Tlingit carving demonstration, I immediately said yes.
Pete Saari (Lib-Tech Owner) and his wife Annette (Lib-Tech Graphic Designer) and their beautiful kids came down for a visit to the museum. It was great being able to show them the Burke’s collection as well. Pete donated a Lib-Tech Double Dip Model with my art to the museum collection. Amazing.
The late Bill Holm wrote an incredible book called “Northwest Coast Art: An Analysis on Form” that every Tlingit, Haida, and Tsimshian artist has used for a reference. We are all indebted to his work, for providing us the tools to learn this art form. The Burke has pieces from his personal collection, and also some pieces he carved himself. It was really special to see them in person. Gunalchéesh Bill.