Valdez Alaska
Hermon Hutchen’s Elementary School - this was after School open discussion, which included parents, and the local home school kids.
The School District in Valdez, AK asked me to come teach Tlingit art and culture for a week this past March. I was fortunate to teach at the Hermon Hutchen’s Elementary School, the Valdez Middle, and High School. It was great connecting and sharing my Tlingit culture and art with the youth. Gunalchéesh for experience.
Hermon Hutchen’s Elementary School - this was after School open discussion, which included parents, and the local home school kids.
Vans Collection - telling the story of how Raven brought light into the world, on the Vans Snowboard Boot.
Incredible sign the students created
Valdez High School, after school open discussion in the library. Scheduled for 45 mins, but it went for 2 hours.
Valdez Elementary School, intro to drawing a formline “ovoid”
Valdez Hermon Hutchen’s Elementary School - our project was to draw a formline design, then create a rubber stamp from it. These are all the students work!
Valdez Hermon Hutchen’s Elementary School - our project was to draw a formline design, then create a rubber stamp from it. These are all the students work!
Valdez High School Art Class - introduction to formline design.
Really incredible, the community put the word out I was looking for sheep and goat horn to carve Tlingit Spoons out of. The next day, these came into the school for me. Thankful!
Sunsets in Alaska can’t be compared, so beautiful.
Valdez is also one of the most incredible places on earth to snowboard. Luck would have it, Travis Rice was also in Valdez for his event Natural Selection. After a quick text message, Travis came to the Elementary School and sat in on a class I was teaching. Great to see him again, you can see the event on
My niece’s custom Vans i painted her
More students formline design work, creating their rubber stamps.
Lib-Tech - spent my last day in Valdez up snowboarding