Lower Devil’s Canyon - Arizona

Lower Devil’s Canyon 5.10c / sequence shot by Ian Tetzner

I have been rock climbing for 5 years now. My friend Ian Tetzner got me into rock climbing, he is an amazing photographer as well. Ian has been photographing my artwork for quite awhile now, you can follow his work on Instagram at @iantetzner

Lower Devil’s Canyon in Arizona / photo: Ian Tetzner

Lower Devil’s Canyon in Arizona / photo: Ian Tetzner

Ian Tetzner and I on top of the route, amazing view.

Approach to the route - beautiful canyon in Arizona / photo: Ian Tetzner

People ask why do you do this? Rock climbing is about controlling your emotions, your breathing, and being relaxed in the most stressful and difficult situations. It’s the most difficult activity I’ve ever done, but the most rewarding when you accomplish something you didn’t know you could do.

I think “we” are capable of so much more than we think, mentally, it’s easy to stand it the way of yourself. The simple act of climbing places you “in the moment.” Quiets your mind and you focus on what’s directly in front of you. That’s why I do it.