Sealaska Celebration Juried Art Show - Best Wood Sculpture Award

A bold piece, beautifully conceived, sculpted and painted crest hat or helmet. Lines are very fine and steady.
— Sealaska Juror Comment

The Sealaska Celebration Juried Art Show for 2020 is now live. I am honored to have 3 of my pieces selected to be featured in the show amongst the top Tlingit, Haida, and Tsimshian artists. To receive “Best Wood Sculpture Award” for my Killerwhale Clan Hat is incredible, and also to receive an honorable mention for the Tlingit Shark Armor Piece is amazing as well. Congratulations to all the artists included in the show, and thank you to Sealaska Heritage Institute for everything you do.

Click Here to View the Sealaska Celebration Juried Art Show Pieces

Sealaska Celebration Juried Art Show - Wood Sculpture Category - Eagle Headdress

Sealaska Celebration Juried Art Show - Tlingit Armor - Honorable Mention

Sealaska Celebration Juried Art Show - Tlingit Armor - Honorable Mention

There have not been many of these armor shirts made over the past century or two so this one is nice to see. Formline is clean, simple, and elegantly designed, and the painting on hide is very clean.
— -Sealaska Juror Comment

Sealaska Celebration Juried Art Show Awards Video - Hosted by Robert Davidson and Preston Singletary

(Virtual) Celebration 2020 live stream - #Cele2020 In order of appearance: WELCOME TO VIRTUAL CELEBRATION 2020 with Ken Grant, Rosita Worl, Anthony Mallott, ...